Allow me to introduce myself by sharing with you a new smudge bundle I created with flowers and herbs grown in my own South Florida garden. My bundle includes Lemongrass, Moringa, Rue, Gardenia petals and Bougainvillea flowers
Here are the magickal properties and intentions for each of the ingredients:
Lemongrass: Spiritually cleanses the home by dissipating hexes and residual negative energies. Can be used to consecrate your magickal tools, and to aid in psychic development. Also a great herb for to remove obstacles in your path, essential for road opener work.
Moringa: For strength, courage, health, protection and beauty.
Rue: Hex-breaking and warding off the evil eye, protection and used to increase psychic ability.
Gardenia: Induces peaceful vibrations and attracts good spirits.
Bougainvillea: Helps evaporate toxins of the mind, body and spirit.
Let us know here at Subtropical Botánica if you’re interested in some of your own!