I may be a little wee bit sleep deprived, however I am most entertained with myself in this state. As many of you know I am always making or growing something. Or scribbling notes while overdoing the YouTube.. Well, when I’m sleep deprived I end up making things that I don’t think I ever would have. Scored so much copper wire & copper scraps last time I was at my Mommy’s. This stuff here, after I stripped it, shined like no other copper I have ever seen, I kept a length of it to later solder together to form a solid rope I can then bend into a bangle. It’s thin enough to easily bend without first annealing & thick enough for bangles aaaand what I’ve been dying to do, these spiral cage thingies. Last week I was wrapping everything in copper tape and soldering, this week, spiral cage thingies. I whipped up the never old & ancient in design spiral bangle & started loading it up. Inspired by the eclectic, brutalist-junk drawer jewelry one often will find at antique fairs. The two stones are from a ‘dig for crystals’ kit William Robin blessed our night with

& Finally a way to wear Witch Burrs without them getting crushed & without having to straight up electroform them!!! I think I am more excited about this than anything. Finally with wire thick enough I can kind of cage all of my little treasures. It is also salvaged electrical wire, I am in love with this. Electricity has flown through every bit of copper I use. I try to learn as many techniques to do this as possible, feel free to recommend me absolutely Anything. I am going to try to make a miniature crab trap of sorts

If I can ask, what else belongs on this Bangle? What else should I make today, maybe even just this question will get y’all crafting this beautiful Sunday too!